
Welcome to Dad Goes Green!

Dad Goes Green was designed to provide a fun, informative, and judgment-free place to learn all about plant-based nutrition. I am so grateful for your visit. This blog is the realization of a dream that was planted January 5, 2015. The day I decided to change my life for the better. On that day I walked into a new local gym with a fiery trainer who would change my life, and the lives of so many other people, for the better.

I’ve learned that exercise and movement, in general, are something I needed more of in my life. Also, I’ve learned the importance of nutrition as part of a healthy lifestyle. That nutrition is about 80% of the health equation. Nutrition is King.

Inspired by a neighbor who fought his way through Stage 4 Cancer into remission with a plant-based diet, I began my own plant-based journey. I testing the impact of different foods on my body. I began to love experimenting with new and exciting whole food, plant-based ingredients and with sharing the experience with my family and gym mates. My body went through an amazing transformation and I started to see the positive effects in all aspects of my life.

I discovered that I really wanted to help others change their lives, too, and become the best versions of themselves. I wanted to show my kids, by my example, that it’s never too late to make a positive change in the world. Even if you only impacted one person’s life, you’ve left the world better by being here.

So, I am really excited that you’re here. We’ll be sharing a lot of helpful info weekly on this blog and will be continuing the conversation on Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest. I hope you’ll follow, subscribe, and like our content and participate in the conversation.

Join me on this fun and exciting journey of discovery and continued personal growth. Together we can do more than either of us individually. Plus, it’s fun to motivate one another and share our triumphs and challenges. As a good friend likes to say, “We Rise as One!”

Hope to see you back here, soon, and often. Here’s to new beginnings and new online friends. Cheers!

Tavo 🙂

Learn more about: WHAT IS A WHOLE FOODS PLANT BASED DIET? >>Click Here!